Sue Gregg Cookbooks
Sue Gregg's efforts to get her family to eat healthy nutrient dense whole foods were failing.
Read the story. Get the recipe.
Welcome to my home . . .

When you visit my southern California home in the summer, you will be greeted by crepe myrtle trees covered with pink, lavender, white, and crimson blossoms.
About Us . . In the Kitchen
My husband, Rich, and I celebrate 60 married years working together. He partners with me as taste tester, recipe repeater, photographer, webmaster, pots and pans washer, editor, publisher, and host. Waffles are his specialty and leading Manuscript Bible Studies are his specialties.

We are grandparents to six home schooled grandchildren living on Washington Island, Wisconsin before 2010. One more in southern California has been added since 2018
Our public schooled grandson valdectorian Connor lived in the J-House at Purdue U while studying engineering. He is now fixing up his own home south of Indianapolis. His sister Rose, also valdectorian, served with Young Life while studying at the U of I in Bloomington, IN and majored in psychology ​​She spent a summer in Austria learning German and is now preparing for grad school at Princeton.
People & Places
After my nest emptied I was invited to serve in Estonia, Kenya, Malawai, Mexico, Honduras, and Okinawa. It is to Russia that I have been drawn most often, a total of thirteen trips.
In 1994 I met Alex Krutov at age 17 as he was being emancipated from his orphanage in St. Petersburg, Russia. It became evident that Alex was willing to serve as I taught cooking classes and was resourceful in helping me safely travel about the city and the country. In 1997 I invited Alex to train as an apprentice for six months in my kitchen.

Judy Salley (photo right) prayed that God would give me another son after my second son Stephen was killed in 1976. Alex was born in 1977. Here Judy meets Alex for the first time 38 years later. Alex calls us "family" and we affectionately call him "son."
Alex says, "Whenever I enter a home I look for an opportunity to serve. If the dishes need washing, I wash. If the floor need vacuuming, I vacuum, If a meal needs preparing, I prepare. If the children need entertaining I entertain, and if the parents need counseling, I counsel."
Alex Krutov Co-founded The Harbor in St. Petersburg, Russia, The Harbor shephards young adult orphans through their brokeness toward becoming whole persons who can live relational, productive lives as sons and daughters in the family of their Father in heaven.
Read Alex's autobiography Infinitely More: Abandoned by his mother in a St. Petersburg dumpster when he was only three days old, Alex Krutov should not have survived. But God had something else in mind. . .
Follow Alex on facebook as he works with young adult orphans in Russia, travels to former Soviet Bloc countries to establish Harbor modeled ministries, and visits families of adopted children in the US.
Alex is now married to Amy. Their famiy now includes Levi and . . . .we'll let you know. At this time they work with the Harbor and with graduates of the Harbor.

Tiffany Alexander Mahler, (Residential Intern 2008, Kitchen lab leader 2009) a home school graduate invited Alex to speak at a dinner she and other interns organized for families of adopted Russian orphans in Texas after her training in 2008. She is now Marine wife of John with three children having lived in Peru and now in Okinawa.
We found the opportunity to arrange for her to show case her culinary skills for her husband-to-be for the first time at a Thanksgiving meal when John was in Marine training in California. John agreed to serve as host to guests who enjoyed her cooking as well. See Tiffany's growing family on facebook as they adjust to new cultural settings.
Emily Zachry Hardy (Home school graduate, Intern 2008, Residential Apprentice 2013, Teaching children, Recipe experimentation) Now married to Nathan.
Some of our special guests:
J. D. Bennet Musician, athlete, actor, historian, entertainer, summer camp director, and church planter, J.D, Met his wife, Sara, while in residence with us. We celebrated with hospitality dinners with them and their friends as their relationship developed. Their wedding ceremony blended three traditions--traditional American, Mexican, and Messianic. They work in Spain family.